3 Healthy Ways Karate Manages Emotions

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How Karate Can Help

Simple, if you don’t breathe, you don’t live. Karate places emphasis on the development of breathing techniques. Babies are a perfect example of someone who uses proper breathing techniques. They unconsciously breathe, which is indicated by the movement of their chest on inhalation and exhalation.
As adults, somewhere along the way, we lose that technique. At karate, we simply relearn and build on this technique. As a karateka develops in their art, so does their ability in hard and soft breathing. This is especially important as proper breathing will protect the internal organs from damage with hard blows. Karate focuses on the development of the whole person.2. KARATE ENCOURAGES EXERCISE
We all know that exercise is important for our well-being. It reduces stress, and builds muscle, and the cardio workout is great for a healthy heart. This is highly important when you consider the main cause of death in Australia is cardiovascular disease. However, we are all so busy that our health takes a back seat. Most of us only start to work on ourselves when the doctor says something is not right. But even still, some choose to not do anything at all. Whatever your choice is, just know Karate works on the entire body, and I mean every muscle.
A class will generally include a warm-up to get the blood flowing and raise the temperature in your body. This is followed by a cardiovascular workout or muscle strength and endurance. This is to loosen the joints and get the blood flowing through the muscles. Time is spent on some type of cardio and/or strength and conditioning, ending with a cool down.
Healthy living is a lifelong pursuit, requiring commitment and behavioral changes.

Our way of thinking will determine if we want to be happy or sad and if we are strong or weak. At karate, we choose strong and happy. Start by surrounding yourself with positive energy. Set yourself some achievable short-term goals to boost your drive. Karatekas are from all walks of life, yet most display the same drive and willpower to succeed or achieve their goals. Absorb the positive energy and you will remain motivated throughout your training in karate. Give compliments to fellow students about their development and watch them gain confidence and, most importantly, laugh, laugh, laugh (preferably after training).

In a nutshell: The grandmasters had this figured out long before we even knew what karate was. They developed a kata called Sanchin, which was based on three basic and very important principles. Sanchin, when translated, means Three Battles – Mind, Body, and Spirit. Explained, “If the mind is weak, the body does not function and the spirit diminishes.” Karate is not about kicking and punching or stroking one’s ego. Karate endeavors to build one’s character by encouraging individuals to push themselves and reach his or her potential through dedicated training.

We hope you will join us for your karate journey.



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The ultimate aim of Karate lies not in victory or defeat, but in the perfection of the character of its participants- Gichin Funokoshi